Tuesday 3 December 2013

Module 2 Report Deadline Monday 6pm

Coursework Deadlines: R&P


Prioritise as follows & divide work up by student (make sure you label the posts so we know who did what):

  1. Scene Walkthrough Map Script/Timeline
  2. Storyboard
  3. Animatic (with sound and titles - big piece of work, share out)
  4. Recces
  5. Test Shots/Casting/Auditions
  6. Asset List
  7. Costume Design/Character
  8. Production Schedule (of shoot dates/locations - you have the camera for 1 booking only, either 3 or 4 consecutive days)

We will give you a grade based on your individual contribution by next Monday 5pm for your Module 2 Report

Final Deadline
You will need to complete the above & Parity by the Final Deadline of Friday 20th Dec 5pm

THIS WILL BE YOUR FINAL R&P GRADE - you will not be able to submit any improvements or change the result. It is 20% of your coursework.

Make sure you label all posts by the student who completed the task and link your individual blogs.