Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Module 2 Report Deadline Monday 6pm

Coursework Deadlines: R&P


Prioritise as follows & divide work up by student (make sure you label the posts so we know who did what):

  1. Scene Walkthrough Map Script/Timeline
  2. Storyboard
  3. Animatic (with sound and titles - big piece of work, share out)
  4. Recces
  5. Test Shots/Casting/Auditions
  6. Asset List
  7. Costume Design/Character
  8. Production Schedule (of shoot dates/locations - you have the camera for 1 booking only, either 3 or 4 consecutive days)

We will give you a grade based on your individual contribution by next Monday 5pm for your Module 2 Report

Final Deadline
You will need to complete the above & Parity by the Final Deadline of Friday 20th Dec 5pm

THIS WILL BE YOUR FINAL R&P GRADE - you will not be able to submit any improvements or change the result. It is 20% of your coursework.

Make sure you label all posts by the student who completed the task and link your individual blogs.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Media Trip this Thursday BFI - places available!

Hi All

The Media trip to the BFI (seminar with the Senior examiner showing how to get an A and chance to meet a proper film director) is on Thursday.

Letters are available in the Media room - please make sure you get one.

Cost is £10 + travel (about £8)

We meet at Dartford Rail at 9am - you MUST have the parent permission slip signed and returned otherwise we cannot take you with us.

17 places left - first come first served.


Friday, 15 November 2013

Friday 15th Nov 2013 Media Class - TV Drama Exam

Set work for today: TV Drama mock exam

Building on your homework (understanding the exam)

Prepare: read the slides in your Mentor Pairs. Look for the clues in the clip 'The Street'

Watch the clip 4 times and make notes after each viewing

Time yourself for 45 mins writing your own individual response to the clip - you need to cover all 4 technical areas to achieve an A grade. - This is a mock exam.

Post to your shared TV Drama blog and email me the link.

I am assessing your understanding of the exam format, analysis skills and ability to work independently.

Marks will be recorded and feedback given individually.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Module 1 Portfolio Reserach & Planning

Hi Y'all

By now you should have created your blog, uploading your projects and commenting on what you have learned.

So far we have been learning about the opening Thrillers and we have already begun to build the portfolio.

Important: Make sure you comment on what you have learned from these tasks - all posts must be annotated

The following is a list of Research that must be completed before you start the Planning stage by the end of Module 1. They are group activities and should be uploaded to your blog page with your commentary of your contribution

Individual tasks go on your Individual Blog, group tasks go on your group blog.
All videos made/practical activities

Click on the links to see an example of what is expected from the task for a L4

  1. Summer Assignment Individual: Napoleon Dynamite Remake
  2. Individual Mind Map: Conventions of the Genre (Characters, Story & Mood/Atmosphere from mind map last lesson)
  3. Individual Collage of Iconography (props, costumes, locations, lighting) associated with the genre
  4. Summer Assignment Individual 9 frame Title Sequence Design Analysis 
  5. Summer Assignment Individual: Titles Timeline Map 
  6. Individual "Se7en" Titles remake edit (individual comment)
  7. Individual 9 frame spoiler review of a Thriller (x 3 each)
  8. Individual "Dexter"/Opening Titles Remake (with your individual comments showing Understanding camera shots/angles/movement)
  9. Individual "Falling Down" Foley/Score (with your individual comments on your blog about...'Iconic sounds connected with the genre')
  10. Individual Thriller Location Recee (photo of a location you have found & why suitable) 
  11. Group Sub-genres & Narrative for a thriller 
  12. Group Iconic Thriller directors – case studies          
  13. Group Film production company research   
  14. Group Production Company Logo
  15. Group Certificate ratings – BBFC research
  16. Group www.imdb.com Thriller Audience Research of 3 contemporary Thriller films    
  17. Group Audience expectations from thriller Video Vox Pops
  18. Group 180 deg rule, Match on Action, Shot Rev Shot - (presentation including your match on action example)
  19. Preliminary Task Planning, Production & Evaluation
Above work is due by the end of Mod 1

Friday, 6 September 2013

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Attention All Media Students Awards Show July 17th 10-12

Hi All
Instead of the 12 hours shoot on Weds we will be going to London Bridge Shortwave Films Screening Room for our 1st Annual LTA Media Awards!!!
See link for directions & address

Shortwave Cinema
10 Bermondsey Square
London SE1 3UN
It will be a Matinee showing - 10am to 12 lunch. You are free to explore or go on from there after.
There will be prizes for the following categories for Thriller openings and Music Videos:
The year 13 leavers will be joining us
Please meet at Dartford Rail at 9am. Bring cash for your travelcard.
You MUST have a permission letter from parents or ideally the slip below (if under 19 yrs of age)
See ya there!

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Final Coursework Marks - (Pre-Moderated & Unconfirmed)

Green = up by 1 grade or 3 sublevels from Target Minimum Grade (TMG)
Yellow = equal to or up by 1 or 2 sublevels from Target Minimum Grade (TMG)

This is 50% of your whole AS grade. Now work out what you need in the exam
Take your number above in the coursework & minus it from your overall target minimum grade (out of 200)

A3 = 160
B3 = 140 (B2 = 147, B1 = 144)
C3 = 120 (C2 = 127, C1 = 134)
D3 = 100

...whatever you are left with equals what you will need to get in the exam in 2 weeks to get your minimum expected grade:

80 = A
70 = B
60 = C
50 = D
40 = E (pass)

What do you need in the exam?

What results have you been getting in the TV drama mocks?
What do you need to do to improve by 1 grade?

What are your priorities in the remaining 2 weeks?

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Evaluation Marks - Important - Deadline Friday

A grade (Excellent) - well done!

B grade (Proficient) mostly on target or above
To secure this grade you MUST:
David - images edited to commentary must be fixed
Martin - what company will distribute it and why?
Danny - what does a distribution company do, what company will distribute it and why?
Grace - what does a distribution company do, what company will distribute it and why?
Rosie H - what does a distribution company do, what company will distribute it and why?

C grade (Proficient) mostly on target 
To improve this grade  you MUST:
Megan - images edited to commentary must be fixed
Sophie - images edited to commentary must be fixed
Debbie - images edited to commentary must be fixed

The following students will not be able to get an overall A/B grade for their coursework if their work is left as it is

D grade (Basic)
India - overall the presentations need more detail & care, can't hear you on Q1
Finn - need to sort Q5 it doesn't play
Tom - need to sort Q5 it doesn't play
Reece - need to sort Q5 it doesn't play

E grade (Basic)
Toby - nothing towards Q1
Chloe - nothing towards Q3
Nana - nothing towards Q3
Rosie R - 2 missing/don't play
Chris - Q2 & Q3 Prezis not working 
Callum - Q2 & Q3 Prezis not working
Layla - Q2 & Q3 Prezis not working

U grade (Not achieved the minimum pass mark: No-one should be getting this!)
Nicole - 3 missing, Q6 misunderstood 
Alex - 3 missing, Q6 misunderstood
Ellie - 3 missing, Q6 misunderstood
Abbey - 3 missing
Peter - 3 missing
Benn - 3 missing
Emma - 3 missing
Molly - 4 responses missing

Anyone who has scored under their Minimum Target Grade (all of those in Red) will be wanting to attend the after school session Wednesday 3:40 - 5 pm to address their below-standard performance, I will be available to advise you on what needs to be improved during these times.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Assessment - What mark is your film?

Excellent creative use of most of...technical skills


Level 4: 48-60 marks

48 49 50 51

52 53 54 55 56

57 58 59 60

Friday, 1 March 2013

How to get your work on your blogs

1. Garageband > Share > Export Movie to Disk

Export your video from garageband with your final video, titles & sound mix

Select 'Expert Settings' on the drop down list

Once it has created a mixdown you will have the save dialogue box

Select 'Options' > Settings > select from the drop down list 'HDV1080i50'

2. Open the file you just exported in Quicktime 7

3. Export > Options > Settings > HDV1080i50

Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Final Deadline for Film: Friday 1st March 5pm (THIS WEEK)
Uploaded to Youtube > embedded to your GROUP blog > Labelled 'Final Film' >
all evidence of individual contribution uploaded to your INDIVIDUAL blog > Labelled 'Construction'

If you miss this deadline you will be graded on your rough cut or whatever version has been uploaded

Group (Draft) Evaluation 7 Questions: Weds 27th March 5pm (4 WEEKS)
This is your weekly homework for the next month due on the last day of this term for feedback. Between the 3 of you there are 7 questions that must be answered as a digital presentation
This should be uploaded to your blog and Labelled 'Evaluation Q1-7'

Final Evaluation Deadline: Fri 19th March 5pm (6 WEEKS)
Uploaded to youtube or Prezi > embedded to your Group Blog > each of your 7 responses must be Labelled 'Evaluation Q1-7' 

Your voices, faces or written contribution must be evident and equal on every question to share the marks

You should remove your earlier drafts to avoid confusion

If you miss this deadline you will be graded on your draft evaluation

If you have no previous or incomplete drafting, your grade will be 0/20 preventing you  from getting an A grade overall.

Monday, 4 February 2013

3.5 Evaluate Individual Edit Feedback & Build Group Edit

Evaluation - discuss with your mentors and evaluate your individual edit, make sense of your tutor feedback based on what you have learned from your R&P about Film Openings

To tell your narrative clearly (makes sense, who is who, what is happening?)
Level correct your shots
Maintain Continuity (match on action, shot rev shot, 180 deg rule)
Control the pace to build suspense (or is it boring, or comedic?)
How successful is it as the Opening to a Film with Titles?

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Individual Edit Outcomes/Objective

As long as you like - but 2 mins MAX for the final group one

Deadline 6pm Friday 1st Feb - Uploaded to Youtube & Embed to your Individual Blog 

Level 4 must have:
  • Continuity/Clear Narrative
  • Colour grading/Image correction
  • Know where titles are going
  • Level corrected the wonky shots

Homework: Evaluate (video diary) 
  • Discuss your editing decisions - why you did what you did, how have you developed your skill in 'post-production' (editing, titles, sound & colour grading)
  • How does your work compare to the Level 2, 3 & 4 you analysed on your R&P
  • Where are you at - grade?

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Camera Bookings 18th - 28th January

(Weekend) Friday 18th 4pm - Monday 21st 8.30am
Cam 1: Enigma
Cam 2:
Cam 3
Cam 4 
Cam 5
Cam 6

(Weekend) Friday 25th 4pm - Monday 8.30am 
Cam 1: Fusion (storyboard & schedule & shot list to be completed)
Cam 2: RFT
Cam 3: Red Carpet
Cam 4: R.E.M.
Cam 5: Quantum
Cam 6:

(Week) Monday 28th 4pm - Friday 1st Feb 8.30am
Cam 1: P.A.B.
Cam 2: Skyline
Cam 3: Lexicon
Cam 4: Beenut (storyboard to be completed)
Cam 5: Katie Offer
Cam 6:

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Research & Planning Marks FINAL results

Here is the rank order of your final marks for your R&P coursework that are being recorded to the exam board. As you know, this section is out of 20 out of a possible 100 for the coursework.

Congratulations to those of you who worked hard to achieve your A grade.

Level 4: 16-20 marks (Grade A)
Finn 20
Martin 18
Danny 20
Grace 20
Rosie H 19
Rosie 17
Emma 18
Tom 17
Ellie 20
Alex 20
Nicole 20
Nana 17
Chloe 18
India 16
Peter 18* label posts
Benn 19* label posts
Abbey 17* label posts
Hannah 19* label posts
Aimee 20* label posts
David 18
Jake 16

Level 3: 14-15 Grade B, 12-13 Grade C
Reece 12
Toby 14
Sophie 13
Megan 13

Level 2: 10-11 Grade D, 8-9 Grade E
Molly 10
Katie 10
Debbie 9

Level 1: Grade U
Chris 6
Callum 7