Thursday, 31 January 2013

Individual Edit Outcomes/Objective

As long as you like - but 2 mins MAX for the final group one

Deadline 6pm Friday 1st Feb - Uploaded to Youtube & Embed to your Individual Blog 

Level 4 must have:
  • Continuity/Clear Narrative
  • Colour grading/Image correction
  • Know where titles are going
  • Level corrected the wonky shots

Homework: Evaluate (video diary) 
  • Discuss your editing decisions - why you did what you did, how have you developed your skill in 'post-production' (editing, titles, sound & colour grading)
  • How does your work compare to the Level 2, 3 & 4 you analysed on your R&P
  • Where are you at - grade?

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Camera Bookings 18th - 28th January

(Weekend) Friday 18th 4pm - Monday 21st 8.30am
Cam 1: Enigma
Cam 2:
Cam 3
Cam 4 
Cam 5
Cam 6

(Weekend) Friday 25th 4pm - Monday 8.30am 
Cam 1: Fusion (storyboard & schedule & shot list to be completed)
Cam 2: RFT
Cam 3: Red Carpet
Cam 4: R.E.M.
Cam 5: Quantum
Cam 6:

(Week) Monday 28th 4pm - Friday 1st Feb 8.30am
Cam 1: P.A.B.
Cam 2: Skyline
Cam 3: Lexicon
Cam 4: Beenut (storyboard to be completed)
Cam 5: Katie Offer
Cam 6:

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Research & Planning Marks FINAL results

Here is the rank order of your final marks for your R&P coursework that are being recorded to the exam board. As you know, this section is out of 20 out of a possible 100 for the coursework.

Congratulations to those of you who worked hard to achieve your A grade.

Level 4: 16-20 marks (Grade A)
Finn 20
Martin 18
Danny 20
Grace 20
Rosie H 19
Rosie 17
Emma 18
Tom 17
Ellie 20
Alex 20
Nicole 20
Nana 17
Chloe 18
India 16
Peter 18* label posts
Benn 19* label posts
Abbey 17* label posts
Hannah 19* label posts
Aimee 20* label posts
David 18
Jake 16

Level 3: 14-15 Grade B, 12-13 Grade C
Reece 12
Toby 14
Sophie 13
Megan 13

Level 2: 10-11 Grade D, 8-9 Grade E
Molly 10
Katie 10
Debbie 9

Level 1: Grade U
Chris 6
Callum 7