Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Final Deadline for Film: Friday 1st March 5pm (THIS WEEK)
Uploaded to Youtube > embedded to your GROUP blog > Labelled 'Final Film' >
all evidence of individual contribution uploaded to your INDIVIDUAL blog > Labelled 'Construction'

If you miss this deadline you will be graded on your rough cut or whatever version has been uploaded

Group (Draft) Evaluation 7 Questions: Weds 27th March 5pm (4 WEEKS)
This is your weekly homework for the next month due on the last day of this term for feedback. Between the 3 of you there are 7 questions that must be answered as a digital presentation
This should be uploaded to your blog and Labelled 'Evaluation Q1-7'

Final Evaluation Deadline: Fri 19th March 5pm (6 WEEKS)
Uploaded to youtube or Prezi > embedded to your Group Blog > each of your 7 responses must be Labelled 'Evaluation Q1-7' 

Your voices, faces or written contribution must be evident and equal on every question to share the marks

You should remove your earlier drafts to avoid confusion

If you miss this deadline you will be graded on your draft evaluation

If you have no previous or incomplete drafting, your grade will be 0/20 preventing you  from getting an A grade overall.

Monday, 4 February 2013

3.5 Evaluate Individual Edit Feedback & Build Group Edit

Evaluation - discuss with your mentors and evaluate your individual edit, make sense of your tutor feedback based on what you have learned from your R&P about Film Openings

To tell your narrative clearly (makes sense, who is who, what is happening?)
Level correct your shots
Maintain Continuity (match on action, shot rev shot, 180 deg rule)
Control the pace to build suspense (or is it boring, or comedic?)
How successful is it as the Opening to a Film with Titles?