Objective: to demonstrate proficient or excellent research and planning in the organisation of actors, locations, the shoot and drafting the production (colour grading, sound and titles)
Basic - To know how to use 3 way colour corrector, layered video and blending to colour grade your film
Advanced - To know how to motion track titles
By commenting and posting videos on your blog
2. To create an edit of your Test Footage or Animatic that demonstrates
integration of titles
colour grading
Use of foley and score
By completing the task and uploading to your blog
3. To assess your blog portfolio against the marking criteria and identify improvement with peers
By auditing and marking each other's blog
How to colour grade
How to motion track
Deadline Friday 19th 4pm research and planning
Marking criteria module 2 report - Where are you?
- Adding Titles in Final Cut (1)
- Audience (1)
- Camera (7)
- Check Your Learning (8)
- Colour Grading (1)
- Continuity (1)
- Coursework Deadlines (2)
- Deadline (2)
- Framing and Composition (3)
- Homework (14)
- Mark Scheme (2)
- Mod 2 (5)
- Mod 3 (1)
- Module Report (1)
- Motion Tracking (1)
- Mystery and Suspense (4)
- Narrative (4)
- Pitch (1)
- Planning (3)
- Preliminary Task (4)
- Previous Student's Work (2)
- RandP Final Marks (1)
- Research and Planning Tasks (6)
- scheme of work (1)
- Sound Design (2)
- Student Examples (2)
- Thriller Directors (1)
- Titles Resources (6)
- What is a Thriller? (4)
- Wk1 (1)
- Wk2 (1)
- Wk3 (1)
- Wk4 (3)
- wk7 (3)
- Wk8 (1)
AS Media Blogs
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Test footage next week 11th Dec & the rest by 19th
21. STORYBOARD: http://mediaasgroup.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/storyboard
se www.generator.acmi.net.au/storyboard/build-your-own
se www.generator.acmi.net.au/storyboard/build-your-own
Animatic - see Alex's excellent example:
30-40 shots that need storyboarding.
30-40 shots that need storyboarding.
Charlie & Caitlin
22. Test Shoot - all crew this weekend using storyboard
23. Production Schedule with Shot Lists (in order and day of filming)
26. Test Shots Casting - using http://www.starnow.co.uk/ & Auditions (video with commentary/skype/youtube etc)
Example: http://youtu.be/diphb0kUa30
Example: http://youtu.be/diphb0kUa30
28. Costume Designs
29. Risk Assessments
30. Location Recce (video selfie evaluating suitability of location)
Example: http://youtu.be/t_KgORz_Vcw
Example: http://youtu.be/t_KgORz_Vcw
31. Back up site Recce
35. Sound design: http://mediaasgroup.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/music-sound-effects.html
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Set work for today
Hi Kevin
Could you please set my classes up for today, I am out til 1pm
Work is on the blog - analyse representation of age the Monarch of the Glen clip using the mind map we did last lesson
Comment on the construction of
link to the characteristics we identified and the TERMINOLOGY we wrote out for CAM MES EDIT & SOUND
Complete the activities from last week - audience expectations, production company, pitch.
If you have finished begin next round on the post we used last week
Sound design for your titles
HOMEWORK THIS WEEK IS TO CAST ACTOR & video Reece your location for next Thursday. You have 3 weeks left to deadline and we start shooting
Good luck
then write up your notes into a mock exam timed 45 minute essay
Sent from my iPad
Sent from my iPad
Thursday, 20 November 2014
3.3.2 TV Drama - Age & Pre-Reading for week 4
Terminology Wheel Of Fortune - Starter
3.5 Rep of Age Starter
3.5 Lesson Plan Representation of Age Session 1
3.5 Harry Brown analysis
3.5 Homework Age
Pre-Reading Next Week:
1. What are the stereotypes of diability?
2. What would you expect from (predict):
MES- costume, location, props, casting of actors, lighting
CAMERA - Composition and angles, movement
EDIT - shot rev shot, pace, prominance - match on action?
SOUND - music and dialogue
3.5 Rep of Age Starter
3.5 Lesson Plan Representation of Age Session 1
3.5 Harry Brown analysis
3.5 Homework Age
Pre-Reading Next Week:
1. What are the stereotypes of diability?
2. What would you expect from (predict):
MES- costume, location, props, casting of actors, lighting
CAMERA - Composition and angles, movement
EDIT - shot rev shot, pace, prominance - match on action?
SOUND - music and dialogue
2.3.1 Coursework Session
What is your Prod Company name - where will your film be shown?
Create Meaning Examples:
Objective: To develop planning folder to meet deadline in 3 weeks.
By the end of the lesson:
New Info:
Apply to demonstrate: Annotate showing how your research has informed what you have made/plan to make
Next Week's presentation:
Homework Parity Remake: Storyboard for H/W Parity ...(BBFC video & audience targeted & Parity Motion Tracking)
Motion Tracking - Incorporating Titles into your D...
Iconic Directors Guidance (Group Presentation)
What is your Prod Company name - where will your film be shown?
Create Meaning Examples:
Objective: To develop planning folder to meet deadline in 3 weeks.
By the end of the lesson:
New Info:
- Audience & BBFC research Guidance & examples
- Homework - Production Company Logo & Ident
- Homework - "Audience Expectations of a Thriller" V...
- Draft of your Title Slates over your opening sequence
- History of Titles
- BBFC - certify the previous student's examples & identify target audience for your presentation
Apply to demonstrate: Annotate showing how your research has informed what you have made/plan to make
Next Week's presentation:
Homework Parity Remake: Storyboard for H/W Parity ...(BBFC video & audience targeted & Parity Motion Tracking)
Motion Tracking - Incorporating Titles into your D...
Iconic Directors Guidance (Group Presentation)
Monday, 17 November 2014
Dear All
Please can you send me your group blogs you
have set up for your production work that you have completed today in
the 3 hours of lesson time.
I will be
timetabling 'Back on Track' sessions (basically P16 detention each week
til you catch up) for any groups that have not used the time
productively and are unprepared to pitch their group film ideas next
Your homework is to have the elements
below ready for Monday - as a group - to record and edit a video pitch
for lesson on Monday P4, similar to what you see here with the A2
This will be a presentation of each member of your group working through the comments and editing the cut aways to examples of:
Your 2nd Mood Board for your final film
What type of sub genre it is (i.e. Psychological Thriller, Crime Thriller)
Locations you have found that are suitable
What your opening scene/sequence will be (Trailers of films you are referencing (min of 3 SPOILER REVIEWS!)
Images of props, costume, and 'character-types' you will be using
Evidence of your target audience research into 10 Thrillers Audience & BBFC research Guidance & examples & how you will appeal to the age and gender
or images of the type of font (look at dafont) and style you will be
using (again what suitable Films or TV shows you are referencing - min
will be doing this in class so you will have 1 hour on Monday to make
it so make sure you have the content ready to build it. Seems a lot, but
remember this is actually between 3 of you.
Your next Production Task is to complete the remake of Parity
To be completed by 26th November
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Set work P1 13th Nov due 11am
Work due today 13th nov by 11am
To be posted to your blog
1. Your individual idea for your Thriller Opening with a Titles including images of at least 3 films that have influenced this
2. Your research into 10 Thrillers on imdb.com - user ratings - with breakdown of target audience (gender and age)
3. Your final idea for your 2 min film opening as a mind map with mes iconography of the conventions of genre
4. Treatment of your final idea for your 2 min opening including embedded clips of at least 3 thrillers you are referencing
5. Mood board of your final idea including fonts for text and how titles will look
You will pitch your idea at 11am this morning
To be posted to your blog
1. Your individual idea for your Thriller Opening with a Titles including images of at least 3 films that have influenced this
2. Your research into 10 Thrillers on imdb.com - user ratings - with breakdown of target audience (gender and age)
3. Your final idea for your 2 min film opening as a mind map with mes iconography of the conventions of genre
4. Treatment of your final idea for your 2 min opening including embedded clips of at least 3 thrillers you are referencing
5. Mood board of your final idea including fonts for text and how titles will look
You will pitch your idea at 11am this morning
Thursday, 6 November 2014
2.1 Resources for Exam Prep using Grids and Framework
To consolidate ‘gendering’
the technical areas and using terminology to prepare for the examination
Justify the construction of
power, conflict and purpose (challenge/re-enforce)
Analyse the construction of gender
stereotypes through all 4 technical areas
Examine characteristics of
gender in MES and Camera with terminology
Primeval questions:
_________________________ is a film technique wherein one
character is shown looking (often off-screen) at another character, and then
the other character is shown looking "back" at the first character.
An _________________ is a popular editing technique associated
with the continuity
editing system. It is based on the premise that the audience will
want to see what the character on-screen is seeing. The ________________-begins
with a character looking at something off-screen, there will then be a cut to
the object or person at which he is looking. For example, a man is looking
off-screen to his left, and then the film cuts to a television that he is
______________________ Two successive shots joined so
as to create a strong similarity of compositional elements (e.g., color,
shape). Used in trasparent continuity
styles to smooth the transition between two shots.
A ___________________ is a cut
in film editing where the
middle section of a continuous shot is removed, and the beginning and end of
the shot are then joined together. The technique breaks continuity in time and
produces a startling effect. Any moving objects in the shot will appear to jump
to a new position.
____________________ is an editing technique used in
films to establish continuity. In a cross-cut, the camera will cut
away from one action to another action. Because the shots occur one after
another, ________________ is used to suggest simultaneity of action. However,
it can also be used to link significant actions that do not occur
simultaneously. Suspense is built by using _______________. It is built through
the expectations that it creates and in the hopes that it will be explained
with time. ________________ also forms parallels; it illustrates a narrative
action that happens in several places at approximately the same time.
In film,
a ____________________ is the interruption of a continuously filmed action by
inserting a view of something else. It is usually, although not always,
followed by a cutback to the first shot. ________________ usually do not
contribute any dramatic content of their own, but help the editor assemble a longer
sequence. For this reason, editors choose cutaways related to the main action,
such as another action or object in the same location.[1] For example, if the main shot is of a man walking down an
alley, possible cutaways may include a shot of a cat on a nearby dumpster or a
shot of a woman watching from a window overhead.
In film,
an _________________ is a shot of part of a scene as filmed
from a different angle and/or focal length from the master shot. Inserts cover
action already covered in the master shot, but emphasize a different aspect of
that action due to the different framing. An insert is different from a cutaway in that the
cutaway is of action not covered in the master shot.
action match,
crosscutting, parallel editing,
eyeline match,
graphic match,
jump cut,
shot/reverse shot,
New Info
- what are Units of drama
Divide the sequence up into Units by team.
Create Meaning (build the grids)
Terminology that will come up – shortlist
‘Predicting the exam’ grids – connect these to gender (list)
Create Meaning
Stage 1: Terminology, identify Stereotypes and Infer 'gendered meaning' (columns 1 and 2)
Masculine or
Close Up
High Angle
Low Angle
Match On Action
Long Shot
Cross cutting
Proxemic Codes
Shot Rev Shot
Two Shot
Whip Pan
Handheld camera
Apply to demonstrate
Fill in Columns 1 and 2 on the grids for each piece of terminology
MES GridCAM Grid
New Info:
Framework for analysis - how to structure your responses
Apply to demonstrate
Write your Primeval analysis – attempt units of drama as each paragraph, characters
Framework for analysis
Framework for Analysis (How to structure your paragraphs)
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Pre-reading for 2.2.1
1. Familiarise yourself with the Planning group tasks. Click on each task or look at Danny, Grace and Rosie's group blog.
The following group task are due to be submitted by the 21st November - the pitches will be seen in class
TV DRAMA EXAM PREP - 17th November
The following group task are due to be submitted by the 21st November - the pitches will be seen in class
- 1. Iconic Directors Guidance (Group Presentation)
- 2. Audience & BBFC research Guidance & examples
- 3. Audience expectations vox pops
- 4. Individual Treatment
- 5. Final Film Brainstorm
6. Influences on Final Film Ideas/Mood Board
7. Group Pitch - (this year, you will produce an edited video or yourselves pitching your idea, with cut aways to your audience research, mood board, video clip references to Thriller films you have incorporated into your idea, and images of locations you are thinking about filming and characters you are going to have in it, as well as how you ail incorporate the 18 Titles slates)
To be completed by the w/c 21st Nov
TV DRAMA EXAM PREP - 17th November
Task 1. |
- Task 2: Know and identify the 4 stereotypes of sexuality
- Write a Conclusion (1 paragraph) - how does Sexuality overlap with characteristics of Gender?
- HOMEWORK Representation of Sexuality and how is it...
- Check your learning:
- Response to Sherlock clips 2
- Response to Sherlock Clips 1
Read over next week's session to prepare
Monday, 6 October 2014
End of Module Assessment: Preliminary Task & Director's Commentary Evaluation
- Catch up Workshop
- Read over the following posts ahead of our final assessment next week
- Preliminary Task
- Interrogation - Preliminary Task
- Evaluation Video (director's commentary) example of previous students
- Success of the framing of shots, use of Rule of 3rds
- Success of steadiness of camera, brightness, focus and image quality
- Success of continuity: Match on action, 180 degree rule, shot rev shot on dialogue
- Success of using the Narrative technique: Omniscient (Suspense), Restricted (Surprise/shock)
- How could you have improved any of the above?
- How have you improved since the start of the course?
Thursday, 2 October 2014
Homework for Next Practical Lesson 7.10.14
1. Write up your analysis of the Street answering the questions under the 4 Technical Areas (MES, CAM, EDIT & SOUND), I will be marking these so ensure you have them for your Module Reports.
Please identify which you are struggling with (some we've not done yet).
2.Revise over how we GENDER the camera - we will be redoing the Quiz and comparing your scores from last week. Here are the Gender Traits to return to if you didn't quite get there.
Think how we would apply this to our Task on Tuesday Theory Lesson
3. Update your blogs and improve the way you have presented your work (see list of site you can use)
Research List of Tasks
Level 4 (A grade) example
Complete your group's edit & evaluation of your 'Paranoia' video - use the evaluation points on this post - could you present this as a Youtube annotated video?
Complete your Falling Down sound score - apply the 6 sound terms to your different sounds you have used in your score and comment on what you have learned about the use of sound in Thriller - you could embed examples of scenes from some well known Thrillers from Youtube?
Please identify which you are struggling with (some we've not done yet).
2.Revise over how we GENDER the camera - we will be redoing the Quiz and comparing your scores from last week. Here are the Gender Traits to return to if you didn't quite get there.
Think how we would apply this to our Task on Tuesday Theory Lesson
3. Update your blogs and improve the way you have presented your work (see list of site you can use)
Research List of Tasks
Level 4 (A grade) example
Complete your group's edit & evaluation of your 'Paranoia' video - use the evaluation points on this post - could you present this as a Youtube annotated video?
Complete your Falling Down sound score - apply the 6 sound terms to your different sounds you have used in your score and comment on what you have learned about the use of sound in Thriller - you could embed examples of scenes from some well known Thrillers from Youtube?
Module 1 R&P list
Hi Y'all
By now you should have created your blog, uploading your projects and commented on what you have learned.
So far we have been learning about the opening Thrillers and we have already begun to build the portfolio.
Important: Make sure you comment on what you have learned from these tasks - all posts must be annotated
following is a list of Research that must be completed before you start
the Planning stage by the end of Module 1. Group activities
and should be uploaded to your blog page with your commentary of your
Individual tasks go on your Individual Blog, group tasks go on your group blog.
All videos made/practical activities
All videos made/practical activities
Click on the links to see an example of what is expected from the task for a L4
- Summer Assignment Individual: Napoleon Dynamite Remake
- Individual Mind Map: Conventions of the Genre (Characters, Story & Mood/Atmosphere from mind map last lesson)
- Individual Collage of Iconography (props, costumes, locations, lighting) associated with the genre
- Summer Assignment Individual 9 frame Title Sequence Design Analysis
- Summer Assignment Individual: Titles Timeline Map (see below)
- Individual "Se7en" Titles remake edit (individual comment)
- Individual 9 frame spoiler review of a Thriller (x 3 each)
- Individual "Dexter"/Opening Titles Remake (with your individual comments showing Understanding camera shots/angles/movement)
- Individual "Falling Down" Foley/Score (with your individual comments on your blog about...'Iconic sounds connected with the genre')
- Individual: Using the marks scheme to grade 3 x student's films from last year (an A, B & C from Youtube)
- 'Paranoia' video Continuity & Composition evaulation
- 'Match on Action' video and evaluation
- Individual Thriller Location Recee (video selfie on location you have found & discussing why it is suitable)
- Group Sub-genres & Narrative for a thriller
- Group Iconic Thriller directors – case studies
- Group Film production company research
- Group Production Company Logo
- Group Certificate ratings – BBFC research
- Group www.imdb.com Thriller Audience Research of 3 contemporary Thriller films
- Group Audience expectations from thriller Video Vox Pops
- Group 180 deg rule, Match on Action, Shot Rev Shot - (presentation including your match on action example)
- Preliminary Task Planning, Production & Evaluation
Monday, 29 September 2014
Pre-learning for Thursday (next practical lesson)
Be able to define & use sound terminology
To know what sounds are suitable to create mood and atmosphere for a thriller
Be able to define & use sound terminology
To know what sounds are suitable to create mood and atmosphere for a thriller
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Basic Shots, Composition & Contunituity Evaluation
Task http://leighmediaas12.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/camera-practical-activity-shoot.html
How well did you capture these shots?
Sources to help you evaluate:
2. Head Room
3. Looking/Lead Room
4. Framing of shots
5. Manual Controls (Exposure/Focus/White Balance/Tripod)
6. 180 degree rule
Now Re-edit the sequence, reframing the shots where possible.
Refilm the ones you couldn't change
How well did you capture these shots?
Sources to help you evaluate:
- Strengths and weakness of these 6 aspects of your shoot.
- How would you solve these problems/so differently.
- Screen capture examples
2. Head Room
3. Looking/Lead Room
4. Framing of shots
5. Manual Controls (Exposure/Focus/White Balance/Tripod)
6. 180 degree rule
Now Re-edit the sequence, reframing the shots where possible.
Refilm the ones you couldn't change
Pre-reading for next lesson 1.5.1 29.9.14
1. Prepare for the Quiz
2. http://leighmediaas12tvdrama.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/what-is-gender.html
Look for the above descriptions of mas and fem and apply to the questions below...
3. Prepare your responses to the questions under the 4 technical areas - identify any that you are unsure of
Analayse the clip from 0:00 - 2:37 (stop then)
We will be using this clip for close analysis in class - be prepared.
1. Prepare for the Quiz
2. http://leighmediaas12tvdrama.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/what-is-gender.html
Look for the above descriptions of mas and fem and apply to the questions below...
3. Prepare your responses to the questions under the 4 technical areas - identify any that you are unsure of
Analayse the clip from 0:00 - 2:37 (stop then)
We will be using this clip for close analysis in class - be prepared.
Monday, 22 September 2014
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Thursday, 11 September 2014
1.2.2&3 Bacis Camera Techniques & Composition & Continuity
Usual Suspects opening – Mystery & Suspense how is
the camera creatting this?
Present New Information – 20 mins
Demonstration/Workshop: Manual Controls –
white balance, exposure, focus,
Loading/preparing the tape/battery
Mounting to Tripod & levels
Procedure for filming
Student research: what shot types &
angle? Mind Map Popplet, Teach each other in group
2 x Videos OCR what shot types mean (angles &
Mark this out as Terminology - Description - Meaning (3 colours Popplet & still example from videos)
Process New Info – 20 mins
Filming exercise create a sequence still
camera (in camera edit)
'Create Paranoia'
Assessment for Learning – 20 mins
Upload to final cut
Present/watch back footage
Evaluation of shooting skills & the
footage (post to blog)
Steadiness/Level (no sweeping or zooming?)
Quality of image (exposure, focus, white balance)
Correct Framing/Angle
Sequence creates suspense/paranoia (makes narrative
Problems & Solutions doc & shoot procedure,
common sense how to avoid... 10 mins
Session 2
New Info: Continuity & composition PPT
Research Youtube for the examples of the following:
1.180 deg
2. Match on Action
3. Framing
& Rule of 3rds
Create a Popplet that defines each and gives an example - Rotate
groups and peer teach in teams: 20 mins
Create Meaning:
Match on Action exercise
Continuity – shoot the following shots doc.
Apply to demonstrate: evaluate your work
Get into groups & remake Dexter sequence shot for shot remake
Get into groups & remake Dexter sequence shot for shot remake
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