Thursday, 16 October 2014

Pre-reading for 2.2.1

1. Familiarise yourself with the Planning group tasks. Click on each task or look at Danny, Grace and Rosie's group blog.

The following group task are due to be submitted by the 21st November - the pitches will be seen in class

6. Influences on Final Film Ideas/Mood Board
7. Group Pitch  - (this year, you will produce an edited video or yourselves pitching your idea, with cut aways to your audience research, mood board, video clip references to Thriller films you have incorporated into your idea, and images of locations you are thinking about filming and characters you are going to have in it, as well as how you ail incorporate the 18 Titles slates)
To be completed by the w/c 21st Nov

TV DRAMA EXAM PREP - 17th November

Task 1.

Read over next week's session to prepare

Monday, 6 October 2014

End of Module Assessment: Preliminary Task & Director's Commentary Evaluation

  • Catch up Workshop 

  1. Success of the framing of shots, use of Rule of 3rds
  2. Success of steadiness of camera, brightness, focus and image quality
  3. Success of continuity: Match on action, 180 degree rule, shot rev shot on dialogue
  4. Success of using the Narrative technique: Omniscient (Suspense), Restricted (Surprise/shock)
  5. How could you have improved any of the above? 
  6. How have you improved since the start of the course?

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Homework for Next Practical Lesson 7.10.14

1. Write up your analysis of the Street  answering the questions under the 4 Technical Areas (MES, CAM, EDIT & SOUND), I will be marking these so ensure you have them for your Module Reports.
Please identify which you are struggling with (some we've not done yet).

2.Revise over how we GENDER the camera - we will be redoing the Quiz and comparing your scores from last week. Here are the Gender Traits to return to if you didn't quite get there.

Think how we would apply this to our Task on Tuesday Theory Lesson

3. Update your blogs and improve the way you have presented your work (see list of site you can use)

Research List of Tasks

Level 4 (A grade) example

Complete your group's edit & evaluation of your 'Paranoia' video - use the evaluation points on this post - could you present this as a Youtube annotated video?

Complete your Falling Down sound score - apply the 6 sound terms to your different sounds you have used in your score and comment on what you have learned about the use of sound in Thriller - you could embed examples of scenes from some well known Thrillers from Youtube?

Module 1 R&P list

Hi Y'all

By now you should have created your blog, uploading your projects and commented on what you have learned.

So far we have been learning about the opening Thrillers and we have already begun to build the portfolio.

Important: Make sure you comment on what you have learned from these tasks - all posts must be annotated

The following is a list of Research that must be completed before you start the Planning stage by the end of Module 1. Group activities and should be uploaded to your blog page with your commentary of your contribution

Individual tasks go on your Individual Blog, group tasks go on your group blog.
All videos made/practical activities
Click on the links to see an example of what is expected from the task for a L4
  1. Summer Assignment Individual: Napoleon Dynamite Remake
  2. Individual Mind Map: Conventions of the Genre (Characters, Story & Mood/Atmosphere from mind map last lesson)
  3. Individual Collage of Iconography (props, costumes, locations, lighting) associated with the genre
  4. Summer Assignment Individual 9 frame Title Sequence Design Analysis 
  5. Summer Assignment Individual: Titles Timeline Map  (see below)
  6. Individual "Se7en" Titles remake edit (individual comment)
  7. Individual 9 frame spoiler review of a Thriller (x 3 each)
  8. Individual "Dexter"/Opening Titles Remake (with your individual comments showing Understanding camera shots/angles/movement)
  9. Individual "Falling Down" Foley/Score (with your individual comments on your blog about...'Iconic sounds connected with the genre')
  10. Individual: Using the marks scheme to grade 3 x student's films from last year (an A, B & C from Youtube)
  11. 'Paranoia' video Continuity & Composition evaulation
  12. 'Match on Action' video and evaluation
  13. Individual Thriller Location Recee (video selfie on location you have found & discussing why it is suitable) 
  14. Group Sub-genres & Narrative for a thriller 
  15. Group Iconic Thriller directors – case studies          
  16. Group Film production company research   
  17. Group Production Company Logo
  18. Group Certificate ratings – BBFC research
  19. Group Thriller Audience Research of 3 contemporary Thriller films    
  20. Group Audience expectations from thriller Video Vox Pops
  21. Group 180 deg rule, Match on Action, Shot Rev Shot - (presentation including your match on action example)
  22. Preliminary Task Planning, Production & Evaluation