Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Set work for today

Hi Kevin

Could you please set my classes up for today, I am out til 1pm


Work is on the blog - analyse representation of age the Monarch of the Glen clip using the mind map we did last lesson
Comment on the construction of

link to the characteristics we identified and the TERMINOLOGY we wrote out for CAM MES EDIT & SOUND

Complete the activities from last week - audience expectations, production company, pitch.
If you have finished begin next round on the post we used last week

Sound design for your titles 

 HOMEWORK THIS WEEK IS TO CAST ACTOR & video Reece your location for next Thursday. You have 3 weeks left to deadline and we start shooting

Good luck 

then write up your notes into a mock exam timed 45 minute essay

Sent from my iPad

Thursday, 20 November 2014

3.3.2 TV Drama - Age & Pre-Reading for week 4

Terminology Wheel Of Fortune - Starter

3.5 Rep of Age Starter

3.5 Lesson Plan Representation of Age Session 1

3.5 Harry Brown analysis

3.5 Homework Age

Pre-Reading Next Week:
1. What are the stereotypes of diability?

2. What would you expect from (predict):

MES- costume, location, props, casting of actors, lighting
CAMERA - Composition and angles, movement
EDIT - shot rev shot, pace, prominance - match on action?
SOUND - music and dialogue

2.3.1 Coursework Session


What is your Prod Company name - where will your film be shown?

Create Meaning Examples:

Objective: To develop planning folder to meet deadline in 3 weeks.

By the end of the lesson:

New Info:
Create Meaning: Make your presentation

Apply to demonstrate: Annotate showing how your research has informed what you have made/plan to make


Next Week's presentation:
Homework Parity Remake: Storyboard for H/W Parity ...(BBFC video & audience targeted & Parity Motion Tracking)
Motion Tracking - Incorporating Titles into your D...
Iconic Directors Guidance (Group Presentation)

Monday, 17 November 2014


Dear All

Please can you send me your group blogs you have set up for your production work that you have completed today in the 3 hours of lesson time.

I will be timetabling 'Back on Track' sessions (basically P16 detention each week til you catch up) for any groups that have not used the time productively and are unprepared to pitch their group film ideas next week.

Your homework is to have the elements below ready for Monday - as a group - to record and edit a video pitch for lesson on Monday P4, similar to what you see here with the A2 students:

This will be a presentation of each member of your group working through the comments and editing the cut aways to examples of:

Your 2nd Mood Board for your final film
What type of sub genre it is (i.e. Psychological Thriller, Crime Thriller)
Locations you have found that are suitable
What your opening scene/sequence will be (Trailers of films you are referencing (min of 3 SPOILER REVIEWS!)
Images of props, costume, and 'character-types' you will be using
Evidence of your target audience research into 10 Thrillers Audience & BBFC research Guidance & examples & how you will appeal to the age and gender
Footage or images of the type of font (look at dafont) and style you will be using (again what suitable Films or TV shows you are referencing - min of 3 ICONIC DIRECTORS/TITLES SAUL BASS etc...)

We will be doing this in class so you will have 1 hour on Monday to make it so make sure you have the content ready to build it. Seems a lot, but remember this is actually between 3 of you.

Your next Production Task is to complete the remake of Parity
To be completed by 26th November

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Set work P1 13th Nov due 11am

Work due today 13th nov by 11am

To be posted to your blog
1. Your individual idea for your Thriller Opening with a Titles including images of at least 3 films that have influenced this
2. Your research into 10 Thrillers on - user ratings - with breakdown of target audience (gender and age)
3. Your final idea for your 2 min film opening as a mind map with mes iconography of the conventions of genre
4. Treatment of your final idea for your 2 min opening including embedded clips of at least 3 thrillers you are referencing
5. Mood board of  your final idea including fonts for text and how titles will look

You will pitch your idea at 11am this morning

Thursday, 6 November 2014

2.1 Resources for Exam Prep using Grids and Framework

To consolidate ‘gendering’ the technical areas and using terminology to prepare for the examination

Justify the construction of power, conflict and purpose (challenge/re-enforce)

Analyse the construction of gender stereotypes through all 4 technical areas

Examine characteristics of gender in MES and Camera with terminology

Primeval questions:


_________________________ is a film technique wherein one character is shown looking (often off-screen) at another character, and then the other character is shown looking "back" at the first character.

An _________________ is a popular editing technique associated with the continuity editing system. It is based on the premise that the audience will want to see what the character on-screen is seeing. The ________________-begins with a character looking at something off-screen, there will then be a cut to the object or person at which he is looking. For example, a man is looking off-screen to his left, and then the film cuts to a television that he is watching.

______________________ Two successive shots joined so as to create a strong similarity of compositional elements (e.g., color, shape). Used in trasparent continuity styles to smooth the transition between two shots.

A ___________________ is a cut in film editing where the middle section of a continuous shot is removed, and the beginning and end of the shot are then joined together. The technique breaks continuity in time and produces a startling effect. Any moving objects in the shot will appear to jump to a new position.
____________________ is an editing technique used in films to establish continuity. In a cross-cut, the camera will cut away from one action to another action. Because the shots occur one after another, ________________ is used to suggest simultaneity of action. However, it can also be used to link significant actions that do not occur simultaneously. Suspense is built by using _______________. It is built through the expectations that it creates and in the hopes that it will be explained with time. ________________ also forms parallels; it illustrates a narrative action that happens in several places at approximately the same time.

In film, a ____________________ is the interruption of a continuously filmed action by inserting a view of something else. It is usually, although not always, followed by a cutback to the first shot. ________________ usually do not contribute any dramatic content of their own, but help the editor assemble a longer sequence. For this reason, editors choose cutaways related to the main action, such as another action or object in the same location.[1] For example, if the main shot is of a man walking down an alley, possible cutaways may include a shot of a cat on a nearby dumpster or a shot of a woman watching from a window overhead.
In film, an _________________ is a shot of part of a scene as filmed from a different angle and/or focal length from the master shot. Inserts cover action already covered in the master shot, but emphasize a different aspect of that action due to the different framing. An insert is different from a cutaway in that the cutaway is of action not covered in the master shot.

action match,
crosscutting, parallel editing,
eyeline match,
graphic match,
jump cut,
shot/reverse shot, 

New Info
- what are Units of drama
Divide the sequence up into Units by team. 

Create Meaning (build the grids)
Terminology that will come up – shortlist

‘Predicting the exam’ grids – connect these to gender (list)

Create Meaning
Stage 1: Terminology, identify Stereotypes and Infer 'gendered meaning' (columns 1 and 2)

Masculine or Feminine?
   Close Up
   High Angle
   Low Angle
   Match On Action
   Long Shot
   Cross cutting
   Proxemic Codes
   Shot Rev Shot
   Two Shot
   Whip Pan
   Handheld camera
Apply to demonstrate 
Fill in Columns 1 and 2 on the grids for each piece of terminology 
MES Grid
CAM Grid

New Info:
Framework for analysis - how to structure your responses

Apply to demonstrate
Write your Primeval analysis – attempt units of drama as each paragraph, characters Framework for analysis

Framework for Analysis (How to structure your paragraphs)