Add a comment to your Mentors most recent post
1. Is the Blog complete? Audit Your Work - what tasks are missing (list them)
See Link
2. For each post, what improvements must the student make
Annotate the post explaining why this was done, what was learned?
Is it a creative and visual way of presenting the information?
Is it detailed and relevant to what has been learned about Thrillers?
3. Mark the posts (see my examples of marking on there) what Level/Grade
Compare the Spoiler reviews to Finns example below
Here is Finn's (Level 4 example) low grade A
Look how it has been laid out and my marking comments
To get top L4 the Spoiler review it should cover:
1. How does the film start and what is the plot?
2. What are the key Thriller moments in the film?
3. What is the twist at the end/give away the Mystery (Spoiler)
Identify the key aspects of a thriller that are in this film
(characters, locations, lighting etc)5. 9 frames that highlight your
points carefully laid out (as per art of the title)
5. Embed key scenes from youtube
6. How successfully does the film involve and satisfy the audience - It must be a review of how successful it is as a thriller in your opinion - look at for examples of reviews
7. Rate it /5 stars?
- Adding Titles in Final Cut (1)
- Audience (1)
- Camera (7)
- Check Your Learning (8)
- Colour Grading (1)
- Continuity (1)
- Coursework Deadlines (2)
- Deadline (2)
- Framing and Composition (3)
- Homework (14)
- Mark Scheme (2)
- Mod 2 (5)
- Mod 3 (1)
- Module Report (1)
- Motion Tracking (1)
- Mystery and Suspense (4)
- Narrative (4)
- Pitch (1)
- Planning (3)
- Preliminary Task (4)
- Previous Student's Work (2)
- RandP Final Marks (1)
- Research and Planning Tasks (6)
- scheme of work (1)
- Sound Design (2)
- Student Examples (2)
- Thriller Directors (1)
- Titles Resources (6)
- What is a Thriller? (4)
- Wk1 (1)
- Wk2 (1)
- Wk3 (1)
- Wk4 (3)
- wk7 (3)
- Wk8 (1)
Heres an example of a L4 mood board