Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Evaluation Final Marks

BMW Productions 13/20
The evaluation has a good level of depth in its reflective analysis of genre conventions and skills progression from the preliminary task to final. The presentation makes some use of images and text, but does not really explore the full range of multimedia such as embedding videos. The Prezi on institutions describes the role of a production company but does not suggest how their own no-budget film would be distributed or how it would be marketed, or any companies that would do so.  There is little content other than their logo despite research into examples of similar companies in the uk. The blog post on technologies describes how the technology was used in the research, production and post stages with some images/screen captures and uses media terminology correctly. The annotated analysis of the video in appealing to the audience identifies the mood and enigma codes and narrative development but does not explicitly discuss how this meets the interests of their target audience. Their audience profile identifies 2 extremes of their male age range and is comprehensive and well presented. Overall Level 3 lowest 12/20.

CC Productions
The video conversation on Institutions is rather basic sourcing general information with a lack of application to examples of companies of online platforms mentioned. There is little beyond direct address to camera. The analysis of conventions covers a broad range of aspects of narrative, genre and style and most points have a supporting visual in this Prezi. Sound is difficult to apply as no video has been embedded. Most comments apply a good level of understanding of purpose. The analysis of character has some discussion into the role of women in thrillers, but lacks care in the presentation beyond text and 2 images. There is discussion of a range of skills learned from preliminary to final. The presentation again is rather basic with images and an embedded task. The discussion on technologies is strong and goes into how it was used and for what purpose. There are embedded clips from the skills development tasks to demonstrate. Best fit overall basic mainly in presentation, Level 2 upper 11/20

The presentation on Audience profile is very well presented using a mixture of animation and posters to visual represent their age, gender and lifestyle across the bracket. The prezi on comparison of prelininary and final is detailed with comparative screen captures and embedded video. The Prezi on representation covers a range of stock characters form the genre and anchors them in a range of existing characters with comparative images, and an analysis of gender construction through MES and justification of decisions to conform to stereotypes. The annotated youtube video is thorough and well presented, and the reflections of the use of technology is detailed with multiple images documenting their use (though at times it becomes a how to guide), there is application to outcomes.  The anaysis of conventions as a directors commentary uses stills from the film and comtains reference to instututions, titles, narrative and genre conventions drawing upon synoptic understanding of the spec. 2 of the video have significant background noise and clipping. This reenforces the Prezi on instututions which gives examples and discusses the processes of production, distribution and marketing. Overall detailed and a high level of care in the presentation, Level 4 16/20

Dynamic productions
The response to the skills development from preliminary to final is detailed and analyticaly of development, making use of some images and stills, and the videos are embedded, there is lesser attention to care in the layout and uses text. Though falling into the trap of tripod as technology - there is a comprehensive discussion of how the technology was used and creative intentions supported by a variety of images, a instructional video and screen grabs on another blog post. There is an excellent analysis using youtube annotations that justifies creative decisions in appealing to the target audience, and the profile Prezis are detailed and covers interests and lifestyle, age, gender using images and embedded video across the bracket. The presentation on institutions have some depth of understanding and examples using a poster format, though a production company is incorrectly overlapped with distribution. The slideshare analysis of the stills from the film are detailed and address narrative, titles and genre conventions and there is considerable detail to justify the work of 3 students. They also refer to the trailers embedded that they have immitated the conventions from. The Prezi analysis of the representation is detailed using images to justify creative decisions. Overall best fit top Level 3 15/20  

Flash Productions
*This is the work of 1 student (Daisy) as her partner Laura did not contribute which has been taken into account when marking and rank ordering.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Evaluation Feedback for Monday 5pm

BMW Productions
Overall grade for evaluation Level 1: 2/20 Grade U
Only 3/7 questions have been responded to. Considering you have had 4 weeks of Independent Study with guidance from the blog (with instructions and examples) plus 4.5 hrs of class time this week, this is not the expected progress for a group of 3 students to be successful.

To improve (what is completed) - see individual posts comments
1. Add in more multimedia (trailers, music videos, things related to the lifestyle of your target audience) etc...

2. More range in your audience - as the work of 3 students we would expect 2 detailed profiles. 

3. Q5 annotations need fixing - and who has written what? Add this to the blog post by name.

Overall grade for evaluation Level 1: 5/20 Grade U 
Only 3/7 questions have been responded to. Considering you have had 4 weeks of Independent Study with guidance from the blog (with instructions and examples), plus 4.5 hrs of class time this week, as a group of 2, this is not satisfactory progress for you to be successful.
To improve Question 6
1. Be specific in how you used the software - cutting, sequencing, colour correcting, titles etc.
2. Add screen shot example of where you did this in your video
3. Be detailed in your creative intentions for using this technology - what did it allow you to achieve
4. Use Media Terminology (foley etc)

To improve Question 4
5. Please replace this with an actual sourced image of a member of your audience. Why is their ethnicity an issue? I'm concerned that this is not necessarily understood who you have targeted their film to - is this all males over 18? Look at your audience research and other student's work on this question. 

6. Annotations are not playing on Q5 - who has written what? Add this to the blog post by name.

Dynamic Productions
Overall grade for evaluation Level 2: 8/20 Grade E 
4/7 questions have been responded to. Considering you have had 4 weeks of Independent Study with guidance from the blog (with instructions and examples) plus 4.5 hrs of class time this week as a team of 3, this is approaching satisfactory progress to be successful.

To improve (all post) - see individual posts comments
1. Add in more multimedia (trailers, music videos, things related to the lifestyle of your target audience or the films you have used to create your characters/conventions) etc...

2. More range in your audience/character profiles - as the work of 3 students we would expect 3 profiles Q4/stock characters for Q2 . 

3. Annotations are not playing on Q5 - and who has written what? Add this to the blog post by name. 

4. All contribute to Q7, only Jack so far. Embed the preliminary task.

Flash Productions
Overall grade for evaluation Level 1: 0/20 Grade U 
0/7 questions have been responded to. Considering you have had 4 weeks of Independent Study with guidance from the blog (with instructions and examples) plus 4.5 hrs of class time this week as a team of 2, this is poorest possible progress and 0 marks can be awarded.

SolarFlare Productions
Overall grade for evaluation Level 2: 10/20 Grade D 
4/7 questions have been responded to. Considering you have had 4 weeks of Independent Study with guidance from the blog (with instructions and examples) plus 4.5 hrs of class time this week as a team of 2, this is approaching satisfactory progress to be successful.

1. Add in more multimedia (video, sound etc). Q3 - your Production Company logo, your titles etc. Get examples of similar films to be distributred and embed the trailers

2. Annotations are not playing on Q5 - and who has written what? Add this to the blog post by name.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Construction Marks for Moderation

BMW Productions

An overall sense of intent and purpose, the film demonstrates excellence across most of the technical skills. The production is recognisable as the opening of a Thriller film with a sense of suspense, and the idea is realised successfully. There is consistently strong control over the camera, despite reliance on the POV and tracking most shots are steady and framed appropriately to convey meaning and effect. The editing allows the narrative to flow clearly, introduce characters and create drama. The title design integrates text purposefully to create interest and set the scene, though some greater care needed was balanced against meeting deadline. There is some attention to detail in the mise-en-scene with particular effort to the low key lighting, and convincingly benefits from the use of London as a location appropriate to the target audience and generic expectations. Sound is layered and demonstraters excellence and detail in working alongside the images using foley an appropriate soundtrack scored to the film to good effect. The absence of the bomb effect is justified as a creative decision by the group in their evaluation. The group all contributed equally towards the construction each taking responsibility for different practical production roles detailed on the group blog. Clearly excellent, mid Level 4

SolarFlare Productions

An strong sense of control, creative intent and purpose. This is clearly recognisable as the opening to a Thriller Film and demonstrates excellence across most of the technical skills. Using the backdrop of the capital to incorporate titles into the MES accurately following conventions of number, order and roles, this is an ambitious idea and for the most part realised with a high degree of success. There is strong control over the use of the camera, all shots are steady and well framed to allow the action to move in and out of frame with some sophistocation and with an effective use of a zoom to conclude the scene. The editing follows continuity to allow the narrative flow across shots and the titles sequence creates interest and the appropriate atmosphere. There is attention to detail in the mise-en-scene beyond location with well cast actors, convincing performances and costume used to set up the plot. Sound successfully uses layers of foley and a soundtrack scored to the film to build suspense. The group all contributed equally towards the construction each taking responsibility for different practical production roles detailed on the group blog.
Level 4 upper mid 56/60

Dynamic Productions

Strong understanding of the genre, the opening shows some attention to detail with props and the effective use of locations, visual style and colour palate and creative purpose in it's use of titles. Overall, the film demonstrates excellence across most of the technical skills. The production is recognisable as the opening of a Thriller film and appropriate to it's target audience. There are well-framed shots and steady movement and a intention of keeping the scene tightly framed to create mystery. The editing mostly maintains continuity to allow the narrative flow across shots following conventins of shot rev shot and match on action. Sound successfully uses some layers of foley and soundtrack scored to the film building tension in a controlled and effective manner, as well as dialogue. The group all contributed equally towards the construction each taking responsibility for different practical production roles detailed on the group blog.
Level 4 lower 51

Flash Productions

Recognisable as the intended opening to a Thriller film, there are some real strengths here above the obvious lack of attention to detail that overall demonstrates proficiency across most of the technical skills. The sequence has a sense of mystery and a well used location and actor to raise enigma codes and imply the significance of the bag handover. Though lacking the key close ups during the handover, there is evidence of strong control over the camera with a variety of shots and angles and most shots steady and framed appropriately to convey meaning and effect. The editing allows the narrative to progress quite clearly, introduce characters and create drama, though 2 main continuity errors stand out and the flow is clunky at times. The title shows string understanding of amount and roles, the design at times integrates text purposefully to create interest however this is not consistent and lacking care and polish - the group were rushing to complete to deadline. Sound involves layers of foley which are overpowered by the soundtrack which for the mostpart works alongside the images until the (anti) climax. The group all contributed equally towards the construction each taking responsibility for different practical production roles detailed on the group blog. At 1:30 undertime this is best fit.
Level 3 upper-mid 43

CC Productions

Recognisable as the intended opening to a Thriller film, there are some real strengths here that overall demonstrates excellence across most of the technical skills. The sequence has a sense of suspense and a makes effective use of the locations they had access to, dressing the set with props and casting to introduce the terrorist/bomber. With strong use of close ups there is control over the camera using a variety of shots most of which are steady and framed appropriately to convey meaning and effect. The editing allows the narrative to progress quite clearly, introduce characters and create flow. The witness and the phones aspect is unclear however and casting may not be particualrly appropriate to the target audience. The titles design integrates text purposefully to create interest and is consistent and shows care in the use of framing and mise-en-scene.  Sound involves layers of foley which are particularly strong in the opening though overpowered by the soundtrack which for the mostpart works alongside the images until the (anti) climax. The group all contributed equally towards the construction each taking responsibility for different practical production roles detailed on the group blog. At 1:30 undertime the full amount of titles are not delivered and this is best fit.
Level 4 borderline 48

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Final Research and Planning grades

Will, Bruce, Mitch
Lower  Level 3 13/20 C2
Bruce http://brucemediastudies.blogspot.co.uk/ 15/20 B1
Mitch http://mitchelmedia.blogspot.co.uk/ 15/20 B1
Will http://mediawm.blogspot.co.uk/ 13/20 C2

The group portfolio uses images & video creative production to present analysis of thriller film certification and the audiences expectations, and the groups ideas for their own product. There is purposeful individual research into genre and the technical conventions of filmmaking and film titles evident on the individual blog with exploration of skills development. The portfolio demonstrates an inconsistently organised approach towards planning the production with shot lists, auditions, storyboards, but lacks recces or completed asset lists or any production schedule. The 'journey' of the production work is evident however and there is some level of care in the presentation of the portfolio but again lacks the consistency and quality expected by a production group of three.

Kieran, Tanaka, Georgina
Lower Level 4 18/20 A2
Georgina http://www.waitemedia.blogspot.co.uk/ 18/20
Kieran http://kieranfilmsstuff.blogspot.co.uk/ & http://kieranfilmsstuff.tumblr.com/ 16/20
Tanaka http://tntanak.blogspot.co.uk/ 19/20

The group portfolio uses images & video creative production to present analysis of thriller film certification, audiences expectations, and the groups ideas for their own product. There is purposeful and excellent individual research into genre and the technical conventions of filmmaking and film titles evident on the individual blog with exploration of skills development. The portfolio demonstrates an consistently organised and professional approach towards planning the production with shot lists, auditions, storyboards, animatic (with revisions) onsite recce videos, shot lists but lacks a production schedule. The 'journey' of the production work is thoroughly documented and there is excellence in the level of care in the presentation of the portfolio. The work has good consistency across the posts and the quality expected from a production group of three.

Jack, Leah, Elis
Level 3 Proficient Top 15

The group portfolio uses images & video creative production to present analysis of thriller film certification, audiences expectations, and the groups ideas for their own product. There is purposeful and excellent individual research into genre and the technical conventions of filmmaking and film titles evident on the individual blog with exploration of skills development. The portfolio demonstrates an organised approach towards planning the production with shot lists, detailed auditions, detailed costume planning, animatic storyboard, rough script, but lacks a final onsite recce, shot lists but lacks a production schedule. The 'journey' of the production work is well documented and there is at time some excellence in the level of care in the presentation of the portfolio. The work has strong consistency across the posts and the quality expected from a production group of three. Best fit overall when factoring in individual research.

Daisy & Laura
Laura Level 2 Basic 11/20 http://laurawoodfordx.blogspot.co.uk/
Daisy Level 2 Basic 10/20 http://daisysteward.blogspot.co.uk/

The group portfolio uses images & some video creative production to present the groups ideas for their own product. There is basic individual research into genre and form though purposeful skills development of the technical conventions of filmmaking and film titles evident on the individual blog with exploration of skills development. The portfolio demonstrates an organised approach towards planning the production with attempts at auditions, a strong storyboard, onsite recce videos (though lacking content), but lacks shot lists or a production schedule. The 'journey' of the production is fairly well documented with some inconsistent level of care in the presentation of the portfolio. There is around quantity though maybe not the quality expected from a production group of two.

Caitlin & Charlie
Caitlin Level 2 Basic 10/20 http://caitlincmedia.blogspot.co.uk/
Charlie Level 2 Basic 11/20 http://mediacp.blogspot.co.uk/

The group portfolio uses images & some video creative production to present the groups ideas for their own product. There is basic individual research into genre and form though purposeful skills development of the technical conventions of filmmaking and film titles evident on the individual blog with exploration of skills development. The portfolio demonstrates some organisation in the approach towards planning the production with a strong storyboard, onsite recce videos (though lacking content), but lacks casting decisions or a production schedule. The 'journey' of the production is fairly well documented with some inconsistent level of care in the presentation of the portfolio. There is not the quantity or the quality expected from a production group of two.

Thursday, 15 January 2015


Hi All

I am in a meeting this morning at Wilmington. I will be back towards the end of P2 to register you.

1. You have 45 minutes to complete your write up of the Disability clip from Monday.

2. Work through the resources above - identify stereotypes and characteristics.

3. Complete the grid we were using with the 4 technical area and explain how the characteristics link to the terminology (ie unity = composed with characters together, conflit composition will divide up the screen or shot on individual ethnic characters)

4. Post your written up notes by the end of P2

Here is the exam assessment you will be writing about for ethncity:

Monday, 5 January 2015

Deadlines Coursework

Deadline for completed edited final Thriller Opening with Titles and Foley/Soundtrack Friday 13th February (uploaded to Youtube and embedded)