Friday, 20 March 2015

Evaluation Feedback for Monday 5pm

BMW Productions
Overall grade for evaluation Level 1: 2/20 Grade U
Only 3/7 questions have been responded to. Considering you have had 4 weeks of Independent Study with guidance from the blog (with instructions and examples) plus 4.5 hrs of class time this week, this is not the expected progress for a group of 3 students to be successful.

To improve (what is completed) - see individual posts comments
1. Add in more multimedia (trailers, music videos, things related to the lifestyle of your target audience) etc...

2. More range in your audience - as the work of 3 students we would expect 2 detailed profiles. 

3. Q5 annotations need fixing - and who has written what? Add this to the blog post by name.

Overall grade for evaluation Level 1: 5/20 Grade U 
Only 3/7 questions have been responded to. Considering you have had 4 weeks of Independent Study with guidance from the blog (with instructions and examples), plus 4.5 hrs of class time this week, as a group of 2, this is not satisfactory progress for you to be successful.
To improve Question 6
1. Be specific in how you used the software - cutting, sequencing, colour correcting, titles etc.
2. Add screen shot example of where you did this in your video
3. Be detailed in your creative intentions for using this technology - what did it allow you to achieve
4. Use Media Terminology (foley etc)

To improve Question 4
5. Please replace this with an actual sourced image of a member of your audience. Why is their ethnicity an issue? I'm concerned that this is not necessarily understood who you have targeted their film to - is this all males over 18? Look at your audience research and other student's work on this question. 

6. Annotations are not playing on Q5 - who has written what? Add this to the blog post by name.

Dynamic Productions
Overall grade for evaluation Level 2: 8/20 Grade E 
4/7 questions have been responded to. Considering you have had 4 weeks of Independent Study with guidance from the blog (with instructions and examples) plus 4.5 hrs of class time this week as a team of 3, this is approaching satisfactory progress to be successful.

To improve (all post) - see individual posts comments
1. Add in more multimedia (trailers, music videos, things related to the lifestyle of your target audience or the films you have used to create your characters/conventions) etc...

2. More range in your audience/character profiles - as the work of 3 students we would expect 3 profiles Q4/stock characters for Q2 . 

3. Annotations are not playing on Q5 - and who has written what? Add this to the blog post by name. 

4. All contribute to Q7, only Jack so far. Embed the preliminary task.

Flash Productions
Overall grade for evaluation Level 1: 0/20 Grade U 
0/7 questions have been responded to. Considering you have had 4 weeks of Independent Study with guidance from the blog (with instructions and examples) plus 4.5 hrs of class time this week as a team of 2, this is poorest possible progress and 0 marks can be awarded.

SolarFlare Productions
Overall grade for evaluation Level 2: 10/20 Grade D 
4/7 questions have been responded to. Considering you have had 4 weeks of Independent Study with guidance from the blog (with instructions and examples) plus 4.5 hrs of class time this week as a team of 2, this is approaching satisfactory progress to be successful.

1. Add in more multimedia (video, sound etc). Q3 - your Production Company logo, your titles etc. Get examples of similar films to be distributred and embed the trailers

2. Annotations are not playing on Q5 - and who has written what? Add this to the blog post by name.

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